What is an ICMC?

By: Savanah L. Byers – paralegal

August 27, 2020

An Initial Case Management Conference, or ICMC, is a standard hearing that many counties in Minnesota hold in family law cases, including divorces and custody cases.  It is a mandatory hearing that all parties, and their attorneys if they have one, must attend.  At the ICMC, the Judge will talk with the parties about what issues and concerns there are in that specific case.  These issues may include, but are not limited to, custody, parenting time, division of marital assets and debts, and more.  The purpose of the ICMC is to involve the Court early on in the litigation process.  At the ICMC, the parties/attorneys and the Judge will discuss and decide on an Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) process (such as mediation or Early Neutral Evaluation); establish discovery limitations and deadlines; discuss settlement opportunities and progress; and assign a date for the future conferences or hearings, if needed.

If you have questions about your family law case, contact our office at (507) 385-4488 to speak with one of our family law attorneys.

*Please note, the content of this post is for informational purposes only and is  not to be considered legal advice.